Underhand Serve In Volleyball

Underhand Serve In Volleyball Rating: 3,7/5 9943 votes

. Lower your left hand slightly and push the ball up in the air.

This is a type of serve used in volleyball where the player serving the ball, holds the ball about waist high where they then slightly toss it up. The underhand serve is a good serve for beginners to use. Simply another way of getting the ball over the net. Held in one hand and hit by the heel of the other hand.

The ball should come off your palm with no spin. Do not let it roll off of your fingers. Toss the ball about two feet above your head directly in line with your right arm.

If you let your toss drop, it should land about a foot in front of you on your right side. You will be taking a step forward with your left foot as you serve, so it is important that your toss be just in front of you, not behind or too far in front so that you have to chase it. Practice your toss repeatedly so that you can do it the same way every time. If you make a bad toss, just let it drop. It is to do so, and you’ll get a second chance to get it right. But make sure your second toss is good because you will have to serve this one.

As you with your left hand, bring your right hand up and back so that your palm is now facing the net and your forearm is perpendicular to the floor. Step straight forward with your left foot and as you swing your arm, bring your hips around until they are square to the net to get a little more power. Keep your eye on the ball and strike it just above and in front of your head with the palm of your hand. When you contact the ball make sure to spread your fingers, keep your hand and wrist stiff and strike the middle of the back of the ball solidly.

Lesson 4

EPHELesson #4 – Volleyball Unit


·8 volleyballs

·32 spots

·3 badminton nets

·10 cones and hoola hoops

LearningIntents (CAPS) - TSWBAT

·Work with other students in acooperative manner in order to perform a specific task, activity or gameeffectively

·Apply some of the basic footwork andmovement patterns required to play volleyball in a practice and game-likesetting

·Understand some of the basic technique of the underhand serve and strategy of why it is important in the game

·Perform the basic underhand serve and send ball accurately to general areas on the opposite court

·Implement strategy and tactics from the serve during game play to improve their success in the rally. Know where to serve to increase difficulty of the return by their opponents.

Warmup Game: Pepper (5 Minutes)

·Students are divided up into partners –one partner gets two spots, other partner gets ball

·Spots are set up along a line, startedat 5 feet apart

·Ball must be played over head height and to the spot to start. Rally 5 times each then move on to trying to have ball land in opponents area. Change area size depending if more or less challenge is needed.

·Score point if your partner cannot returnthe pass or ball lands outside of playing area.

Goal of the activity is for students to startthinking about off-the-ball movement and anticipating where they should move toin relation to their partners’ positioning and where to send to ball to make the return as difficult as possible

CulminatingActivity: 3 v. 3 Half Court Volleyball 10 minutes

·This game will be played at the end ofthe lesson again, to see how the students have improved throughout the lesson.

·First time the game is played the rulesare explained and the students are let to play without much instruction ofwhere to move and how to defend


oBall is put into play using underhand serve only

Airport ceo free non steam. ono overhand attacks (spiking)

oMaximum three touches per possession

o Allowed a bounce between each contact if necessary

oScoring: ball bounces more than once in court, is played out of bounds or into the net, or other team is unable to return it within 3 contacts. If 3 point lead is obtained, then the other teams court becomes smaller to make it easier to defend.

IntroductoryActivity/Game: Target Shooting 15 minutes



Movement Tasks & Management


1.) Serve from 3 meter line to 3 meter line and have partner be able to catch ball.
  • Proper footwork
  • Correct technique when contacting ball
  • Work on getting into proper base from movement
  • Moving body weight forward through ball with contact on wrist
2.) Distance Serving
  • Be able to correctly perform skill and accurately send ball to partner at greater distances
  • Working proper technique of serve over more challenging distances
  • Adjusting height and distance of serve

3.) Serving end line to end line and different areas on the court

  • Introducing serving to different targets
  • Work on proper form - not focusing on technique of serve more than result
  • Correct serving technique
  • Have partner standing in easy locations on the court to serve to, then progressively increasing difficulty.

4.) Target Shooting

  • Score as many points as possible in give amount of time
  • Serve to different targets on the courts that are worth different amount of points depending on the difficulty of hitting it. Keep track of points and serve as many balls as possible in given amount of time
  • Working on serving accuracy and technique while under small amount of pressure (i.e. the students wanting to score as many points as possible within given amount of time)
  • Allow students to serve from end line or wherever they left off in the previous progression with their partners
  • Make targets bigger or smaller or easier or hard to hit to increase or decrease the challenge

CulminatingActivity: 3 v. 3 Half Court Volleyball 40 minutes

·Moving back into the 3 v. 3 game toend the lesson – this time to see if the students have understood the movementconcepts and patterns that we have gone over in class

·Students should now be focusing on theiroff-the-ball movements in relation to their partners as well as theiropponents.Students should be working ontheir lateral movement as well as their serving to strategic areas on the court

·See if the students can connect thedrills and activities to their success in the game


·Hoping that we can see some improvementin the students’ knowledge of movement patterns in both offensive and defensivecontexts, and also be able to produce a serve to general areas on the court with proper technique.

·The students should be able to connectthe activities and drills to the culminating game and see how they’ve improvedover the lesson. Be able to demonstrate that they know how when and why the serve is so important in the game of volleyball.

Evaluation:What did the students learn?

·The students were introduced todifferent movement patterns involved in volleyball, although not in a typicalvolleyball context.They should be moreaware of how to move on the court with regards to their teammates as well asopponents; there should be an improvement in their games due to theirknowledge of movement patterns and base of support.

·The students were introduced to all the basic skills needed to play the game of volleyball and be able to play more structured and formal games of this sport moving forward in the unit and outside of class