The Longest Five Minutes Game

The Longest Five Minutes Game Rating: 4,2/5 5883 votes

Dota 2 characters. But to be honest, the title doesn't lie, this game literally is the longest 5 minutes. It starts off interesting enough, you fight a massive boss and have amnesia, so you must recall your journey up until when you reached that boss, so the game mostly takes place through flashbacks, which have you exploring 3 separate islands and going to different towns and dungeons with your friends.

Storage: 1 GB
Processor: Core i3-2100 3.10 GHz
Memory: 2 GB
OS: Windows 7, 8, 10
Graphics: Radeon HD 5450
Version: Last (Newest)
Genres: Adventure games, Role-playing
Publisher: Nippon Ichi Software, Inc., SYUPRO-DX
Category: RPG
Year: Two thousand eighteen

The Longest Five Minutes screenshots:

Download The Longest Five Minutes torrent pc for free. The Longest Five Minutes – unique in its execution RPG, where you will become a real conqueror and go for the destruction of thousands of supporters of the enemy forces. Gameplay begins in a fairly unusual way, namely with the final battle. But the main character does not remember what happened to him and will learn. He could not understand why he had to face in the ruthless battle with the dark Lord and have to answer a lot of questions disturbing you. The project was developed in the RPG genre, where the main focus is on the development of the storyline that tells about the fascinating process. You will find various kinds of leads, which comes to memories and from there you learn the mystery of his life. You're going to develop your fighting skills and encounter different creatures, which anyway will affect your passage. On this page you can download the game The Longest Five Minutes torrent free on a PC.

Video review

Our hero faces the origin of all evil, the Overlord himself, but suddenly loses all memories of his adventure.His finishing moves, the name of his hometown, and even the reason he’s trying to defeat the Overlord in the first place, all gone. Our hero feels as though he’s letting his allies downIn the midst of battle, his allies’ words and the Overlord’s taunting triggers flashbacks, bringing his memories back piece by piece. Our hero tries to regain his priceless memories before it’s too late, but the Overlord stands before him, his power unyielding!What can happen in The Longest Five Minutes!?