Strung Along

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Transitive (string someone along) to make someone continue believing something that is false for a long time, especially something about your intentions or beliefs She’s just stringing you along – she won ’t marry you.
In today's dating world, it seems as if communication has become more and more lackluster. It's hard to know how someone feels anymore, and even if you're dating someone, that doesn't mean things are going to be easy. So, it's important to know all the, because it happens more than you might think.Unfortunately, it can be hard to tell if someone is genuinely interested in being in a committed relationship with you, or if they're just looking for something a little more casual. Obviously, everyone should be able to do what they want to do, and if you don't want a serious relationship, then that's fine. But, it's not fair to when something serious is what they're looking for.So, if you're with someone, and you aren't sure whether or not they're seriously invested in your relationship and your future, what can you do? That part is up to you. But first, you have to figure out whether or not your partner is actually stringing you along, or if there's something else going on.
The publisher announced they had earned the publishing rights earlier this month.Herotopia is an award-winning MMO designed for children with anti-bullying and educational components. It is also the first children’s title for Jagex.Herotopia Gameplay ScreenshotSource. The relaunch includes a new Mission System with over 75 quests, plus five new mini games and daily “Power Puzzles.” Like other Jagex titles, the game is free to play, with an optional subscription component. Online games shutdown.
Because really, you don't want to be wasting your time with someone if they're already of the mindset that it's not going to last.That being said, here are some signs that your partner is just stringing you along, according to experts. If someone truly wants to be with you, they'll prove it. Sure, not every person is a great texter, and you might not hear from them everyday, but a great partner will make you a priority.and author of The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again, tells Elite Daily that checking your partner's communication skills is a great way to tell if they're stringing you along.If the 'communication is sporadic,' Dorell says, then they might be stringing you along. And, 'if it takes forever for them to get back to you when before you got an immediate response,' there's a good chance they aren't looking for long-term commitment. Another way to tell that your (semi) significant other isn't completely invested is that they aren't putting in the work., tells Elite Daily that you should 'Look for 'mutuality.' Is there an equal give-and-take between you and your partner? Are you both putting in effort to move the relationship forward?
Or, are you doing most of the work — sending texts, planning the dates and making thoughtful gestures? While it may not be exactly 50/50, it should be close.
A 90/10 relationship is not acceptable.' Look closely, and see how your partner treats your time together. It's important, and they should be putting in the effort. Obviously, you might assume that someone is stringing you along if they aren't committing.
But what does that mean, and what does that look like?' A big sign is when the other person isn't making much effort or talking about a future,' Parikh says. 'They do not introduce you to friends and family. They do not talk about future plans. They do not want to spend much money — planning dates or trips — and prefer low-level engagements (i.e., watching Netflix and chilling). A man who is falling in love wants you to be a big part of his life — and will let you know you're a priority to him.' Basically, they're probably stringing you along if they don't like to talk about the future or even go on adventurous dates.
A partner who wants to really be with you long-term will do what it takes to support you.Someone might be stringing you along if they aren't there for you, Dorell says. 'They are not able to be present with you when you need emotional support or something comes up — they may change the subject or just brush it off,' she emphasizes.It sucks being strung along by someone, especially if you were really enjoying being with them. But if you do find out that someone is strining you along, then the best thing to do is 'just ask,' according to, because really 'it's the only way to get answers.' And if your suspicions are right, then it's probably best to take a step back.'
Remove yourself from the situation,' author and tells Elite Daily. 'Typically, individuals who are guilty of stringing individuals along are emotionally abusive people that have no concept of how hurtful their behaviors are to you.'
So if you think you're getting strung along, back up and get out of that situation. You deserve better than that.Check out the for more stories just like this!
(redirected from strung along)Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical.
1. a thin length of cord, twine, fibre, or similar material used for tying, hanging, binding, etc.
3.Music a tightly stretched wire, cord, etc., found on stringed instruments, such as the violin, guitar, and piano
5.Architect short for stringer (sense 1)
6.Mathslinguistics a sequence of symbols or words
7.Physics a one-dimensional entity postulated to be a fundamental component of matter in some theories of particle physics
9. a group of characters that can be treated as a unit by a computer program
10.a. violins, violas, cellos, and double basses collectively
b. the section of a symphony orchestra constituted by such instruments
11. composed of stringlike strands woven in a large mesh
In a stair, an inclined board that supports the end of the steps; also called a stringer.
face string
An outer string, usually of better material or finish than the rough string which it covers; may be part of the actual construction or applied to the face of the supporting member.
outer string
The string at the outer and exposed edge of a stair, away from the wall.
(1) In vibration theory, a string is a thin, flexible, tightly stretched fiber whose density is uniformly distributed along its length. When the string is excited by, for example, being struck or plucked, it begins executing vibrational motions, in which all parts of the string are displaced in the transverse direction. Any vibration of a string can be represented as the sum of natural harmonic vibrations of the string. The frequencies f of these harmonic vibrations depend on the length l of the string, the cross-sectional area S, the tension Q, the density ρ of the string material, and the conditions of attachment of the ends of the string. For a string fastened to rigid supports, the frequency of the nth harmonic is
where n is a whole number. The displacement distribution at the initial moment—that is, the means by which the string is excited—determines the spectrum of the excited natural vibrations. A string is the simplest distributed-constant vibrational system and is often used to illustrate the oscillations of more complex mechanical, acoustic, and electrical systems.
(2) In music, a string is the source of sound vibrations in a number of musical instruments. The timbre of the sound of a string is determined by the vibrational mode of the string—that is, by the spectrum of the excited natural vibrations. In antiquity, strings were made from tree bark, plant fibers, and animal hairs (primarily horsehairs). In modern musical instruments, steel strings are used for the most part; gut strings, silk strings, and strings made from synthetic fibers (nylon) are used less often. To obtain low tones when the length of the string is limited, the string is made in the form of a thin fiber around which one or two layers of soft metal wire are wound.
Strings are also used in some electroacoustical devices.
What does it mean when you dream about string?
Dreaming about string often refers to something that needs to be secured or mended, particularly a relationship or some other situation. There are, however, many idiomatic expressions containing the word “string,” and a dream could be alluding to one of these meanings: “purse strings,” “to string someone along,” “first string,” “no strings attached,” “pull some strings,” etc.
[striŋ] (computer science)A set of consecutive, adjacent items of similar type; normally a bit string or a character string.
(engineering) A piece of pipe, casing, or other down-hole drilling equipment coupled together and lowered into a borehole.
(geology) A very small vein, either independent or occurring as a branch of a larger vein. Also known as stringer.
(mechanics) A solid body whose length is many times as large as any of its cross-sectional dimensions, and which has no stiffness.
(particle physics) A proposed structure for elementary particles, consisting of a one-dimensional curve with zero thickness and length typically of the order of the Planck length, 10-35 m.
1. In a stair, an inclined board which supports the end of the steps; also called a stringer.
3. A stringcourse. Also called stringer, stringboard, or face string. For specific types, see closed string, face string, finish string, open string, outer string, rough string, stair string.
(programming)A sequence of data values, usually bytes, which usually stand for characters (a 'character string'). The mapping between values and characters is determined by the character set which is itself specified implcitly or explicitly by the environment in which the string is being interpreted.
The most common character set is ASCII but, since the late 1990s, there has been increased interest in larger character sets such as Unicode where each character is represented by more than eight bits.
Most programming languages consider strings (e.g. '124:shabooya:n', 'hello world') basically distinct from numbers which are typically stored in fixed-length binary or floating-point representation.
A bit string is a sequence of bits.
The most common character set is ASCII but, since the late 1990s, there has been increased interest in larger character sets such as Unicode where each character is represented by more than eight bits.
Most programming languages consider strings (e.g. '124:shabooya:n', 'hello world') basically distinct from numbers which are typically stored in fixed-length binary or floating-point representation.
A bit string is a sequence of bits.
A set of contiguous alphanumeric characters. Strings are text, such as names, addresses and descriptions. Although a string may include numeric digits, the digits cannot be calculated within the string. They have to be copied out of the string into a numeric structure. Contrast with numeric data. See string literal, string handling and account number.Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content.
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