Port Royale 2 Tips
Port Royale 2 was made in 'Historic Real-Time Strategy' genre and have 'teen' as SRB rating. Right now we have 1 Cheats, 2 Walkthroughs and etc for this game and every day we increase our collection with new Port Royale 2 cheats If you can not find the needed cheat in our list, check this page periodically or subscribe for this game's updates!
Port Royale 2Cheat Codes:-Submitted by: TamimOpen the 'pr2arcs.cpr' file with cheatbook database's hex editor. Findthe position: 5619. You will see 5B53455D PINASSE.There's the changeable numbers here. You have to change the number of thatship you own.
Such as you have Galeone ship, change the agil,crew,vmax etc.For example what I used for LINIENS ships is:-Agil= 50Crew= 200Heal= 130Fass= 85Tief= 2Vmin= 12Vmax= 18GSpT= 0Guns= 250Wert= 200Crew means how many crew can you load.Vmax is the ship's max speed. For trade best is 20, For artifact finding,place higher value here.Vmin is the ship's min speed. Do the same as Vmax, but in for war ship uselower value here.GSpT means only ships costs not other costs.such as captain's payment.Guns means how many Cannon can you load, etc.Unlockable Steam Ship:-Submitted by: conner54Collect 20 artifacts and talk to your wife. She will give you a map which willlead you to your own steam ship.Easy ships:-Do not go face-on to your enemies and attack slowly with small ships. Instead,get a small ship and work on getting money. When you are getting a very highincome, buy a small killing ship. Attack who you can hate forever.
Download forza 7 on pc. Basicallybe English and attack the French or the Dutch. When the English like you, finda badly defended ship of the line and take it.
I enjoy Port Royale 2 very much, but the ship combat can be very frustrating. I think it is the weakest part of an otherwise very good game. Here are a few tips from my experience:You can look around before the battle begins.
Find the smaller ships and sail toward those; they're usually at the bottom of the arc. I like to sail between the two smaller ships on that first pass and fire both sides at them with grapeshot (see next tip). I begin with my smaller ships usually. Use them to start things off, then get them out before they are sunk.The AI likes to grapple and board the player's ships. I use grapeshot to take out their crews, then switch to normal shot later in the fight. Haypi monster sprite maker. The AI seems to use chainshot instead to slow you down, as well as normal shot.
If you manage to wipe out another ship's crew, chase it down and board it to stop it from shooting at you.When you choose another ship during the battle to use in the battle, the ship you were using automatically sails toward the edge of the map. I switch to a new ship when my current one is severely damaged to give it a chance to escape. It's unlikely I can get it off the map any faster than it will go on its own.When you switch to a new ship before the current one is sunk, a few of the AI ships often will break away from the chase and head toward the new ship. This gives you a chance to fight fewer ships for a short while.When attacking harbor cannons, always approach with the wind, bow pointed straight at the tower. You can try to alter your angle slightly just as you come into their range in the hope they will miss the first shot. Swing at an angle not quite parallel to the coast just as you come into your range (their range is greater), sail a very short distance, then turn to sail away.
As you are beginning to sail out again, fire as your cannons come in line with the tower. Sail out a ways, and then to the point where you can have the proper wind for another approach. When positioning for another pass, you can use the space bar to speed things up. After a few passes your ship will be pretty banged up, so switch to another one.In dueling, the special attack is the most important part. If you can get the timing down, you will win.
Trading normal attacks and parries with your opponent means you will almost assuredly lose.