Medal Of Honor Rising Sun Cheats

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The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for PlayStation 2 (PS2). Medal Of Honor: Rising Sun. Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ. If you receive a medal for a mission, you also will receive a skeleton key which opens a small box which contains a new skin for.

Page 1MEDAL OF HONOR: RISING SUNFAQ/Walkthrough by Aaron Baker Version 1.9 19th of December 2003. NO SPAM!If anyone is interested in an Offline Tourney, please head to the linkprovided 1.9: Thanks a bunch to BothanSpy, who let me use his Medalstarts. Using his starts, you should be able to get Medalsand a Skeleton key for the first three levels. All I didthis update was add in those startegies.Version 1.8: Thanks to everyone who submitted information about the 3rd(or first) P.O.W in the Singapore Sling mission. Addedinformation by theneif on LOTS of info for differentlevels. Worked on the bonuses section somemore, and finally added in some descriptions about themultiplayer levels, like layou, where to find machineguns,and sniper spots.Version 1.7: Not much of an update here, just added in some morebonuses to the bonus section. Getting some help fromTheneif for the locations of Film Cansiters and some ofthe hard bonus objectives.Version 1.6: Working on bonuses section.

This section contains: FilmCanister one locations, Film canister two loactions, Whereto use the tools to get cheats, Multiplayer skins, whereto find tools and also the Bonus objectives. It's great toprint if you want to know everything about the level.Finally spell checked the document as well.Version 1.5: If my walkthrough would of been posted on the day that Isubmitted it, this guide would be 14 days old. Simcity 3000 unlimited requirements.

Anyways, Ihave added in the locations of a few film canisters, fromthe good people off the GameFAQs message board. Re-formatted the guide a bit, and changed the walkthroughparagraphs to 8 lines instead of 4. Finally changed theBonus objectives section to bonuses, which includes FilmCanisters, Bonus Objectives and other things.Version 1.4: Added in some bonus objectives for 'Midnight raid onGudalcanal,' 'Pistol Pete Showdown', 'Singapore Sling' and'A bridge on the river kwai. Just a small update. I have alot of updating time now, because I have only got 1/2 aday of school left until February.Version 1.3: Walkthrough Complete!! That right, Today i did thewalkthrough for Midnight Raid on Guadalcanal, Pistol PeteShowdown and also A Bridge on the River Kwai.

Got to startwalk on Film Canister guide. Re-done the table of contentsand added little bits here and there. Started on theMultiplayer section. Did a lot of work today.Version 1.2: Added in two more Walkthrough levels, which were'Singapore Sling' and 'In search of Yamashits's gold.' Hope to start on the Film Canisters and Multiplayer soon.Walkthrough is now 66% complete. Also changed the OnlinePlay section to multiplayer.Version 1.1: Took ages for the guide to get up on the site, due toGameFAQs not updating for a while. Added in four moreWalkthrough levels, and a bonus objective.Version 1.0: Submitted guide to GameFAQs.

Walkthrough hasn't beenstarted, but most basics like Game Tips have been putdown. Only weapon and character info has been put down atthe moment, not full descriptions.

Hope to do more on theguide soon.-TABLE OF CONTENTS(1) INTRODUCTIONA. Table of ContentsB.

Guide introductionD. Story(2) CONTROLSA.

Defualt ControlsB. Controller Options(3) CHARACTERS(4) HEADS UP DISPLAYA. Health MeterC. Ammo in ClipE. Supply(5) HEALTHA. Health levels(6) WEAPONSA. Light MachinegunsE.

Secret items(7) GAME MODESA. Single Player CampaignB. Two Player CampaignC. Online Play(8) OPTIONSA. Controller optionsB. Audio OptionsC.

Profile optionsD. Options(9) GAME BASICSA. Saving(10) MEDALSA. Accuracy TipsD. Bonus Objective tipsE. Hits Taken tips(11) CHEATSA. Health CheatsB.

Weapon CheatsC. Miscellaneous Cheats(12) SECRETSA. Control main menuB. Multiplayer Skins(13) GAME TIPSA. Movement TipsB.

Dodgin TipsC. Health Pack TipsD. Weaponary TipsE. Miscellaneous Tips(14) WALKTHROUGH (100% Complete)A.

Day of InfamyB. Pearl HarbourC. Fall of PhillipinesD. Midnight Raid on GuadalcanalE. Pistol pete ShowdownF.

Singapore SlingG. In Search of Yamashita's GoldH. A Bridge on the River KwaiI. Supercarrier Sabotage(15) BONUSES GUIDE (Includes Film Canisters, Bonus objectives, etc,A. Day of Infamy not complete)B. Pearl HarbourC. Fall of PhillipinesD.

Midnight Raid on GudalcanalE. Pistol Pete ShowdownF. Singapore SlingG. In Search of Yamashita's GoldH. A Bridge on the River KwaiI. Supercarrier Sabotage(16) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSA. Answers(17) MULTIPLAYERA.

Weapon SetsC. Variables(18) GUIDE BASICSA. Email GuidelinesB.

Credits/Contributors(19) BOTHANSPY'S REVIEWA. INTRODUCTIONINFORMATIONMedal of honor: Rising Sun FAQ/WalkthroughAUTHOR: Aaron BakerVERSION: 1.8EMAIL: nsjavagames(at) INTRODUCTIONI have always been a big fan of the Medal of Honor series, since I gotthe first Medal of Honor game back in about year 2001.

Medal Of Honor Rising Sun Cheats

The game was sofun, and was just about the best First Person shooter I had played onthe playstation. It was so fun, and had great gameplay. Later, I pickedup Underground, finished it, like it, of course and mid 2003 I got Medalof Honor Frontline. I didn't really think much of it, but was hoping forthere to be a sequel, and guess what, there is!

Medal of Honor: Risingsun. After a long wait (games come out in the USA before they do inAustralia) I have got the game, and here is my guide on it.

Hope youlike it.STORYMedal of honor: Rising Sun is based on the war.2. CONTROLSGetting straight into it here.

Here are the controls for the game, well,at least the default controls. By pressing start in game, or going tothe options menu.