Glory Of Generals Wolfpack

Glory Of Generals Wolfpack Rating: 3,5/5 2909 votes

These are some tips and/or tricks that almost everyone can use for Glory of Generals.1. Upgrade your Commander first. The Commander is very important in campaigns, so upgrade him first.2. In campaigns, try to get a '5 star' rating at a level's first completion. A '5 star' rating will be awarded if you finish before or at the 'Great Victory' limit. It will give you an extra 50 medals, sometimes it's better to restart a level that has passed the 'Great Victory' limit and get a '5 star' rating rather than finish the level and get only a '3 star'(15/10 medals) or '2 star'(5 medals).3. Candyland characters names.

Best extra generals to buy with less than 700 medals is Dietrich (2 medals for Infantry and 3 medals for artilerry), Kulle(2 Infantry and 2 Tanks) or Crace(2 Air and 2 Sea).4. You can stock up medals to at least 2070 to buy either Rommel (2070 medals), Guderian (1924 medals), Patton (1911 medals) or Vatutin (1120 medals). All of the 4 mentioned has best medals(gold) for tanks.5.

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Submitted on 8/20/2015 Review title of PhilDon't do itIt could have been a good game if!) there was a good balance of play, 2) in app purchases were not over priced, 3) if you had a reasonable chance of success without in app purchases, 4) the 'friendly' AI didn't screw you at every turn, 5) if there were cheats available, 6) you could actually earn supply, medals, industrial points, and coins at a reasonable rate within the game. Overall it is nothing more that an exercise in unrelenting frustration for anyone that longs for a decent classic board game ported to a PC. You are better off finding an old copy of Blitzkreig.

You'll enjoy it more. Submitted on 7/27/2015 Review title of jacobDecentThis is a very fun app, with good terrain, well done AI, and a nice ranking system, and despite being challenging, it's very possible to get past the Western and North African fronts. But where this game goes bad is the Eastern Front. This is where the game gets nearly impossible. It seems that the only way to really win any of the campaigns is to spend a lot of money buying medals and ranking up.

But apart from the incredible difficulty of the Eastern Front, it's a very fun and very well done game.